Bible Distribution

Bible Distribution

Greetings Friends! Urdu Bibles in Pakistan? Its expensive thing! A daily wages workers earned $5.00 to $6.00 a days in Pakistan and survive, it’s hard for poor people to afford an Urdu Bible, and we are distributing Urdu Bibles free of cost to the families in need and to the New Believers. We have distributed Bibles in 2023  , and the need is BIG!. The cost of one Bible is 7$. Let’s help people getting out of the spiritual starvation.  

If God leads you to support the free Bible distribution in Pakistan please feel free to contact at

John 1:1 says, in the beginning, was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This verse tells us what the Word is. The Word of God is God himself. Word of God is our food and water (John 6:35, 48, 51). One who eat and drink from him, he will live forever. It is God’s promise, and His promise can never be denied. The Word of God is also called a helmet of salvation and sword of the Spirit in Ephesians 6:17.

If we hear and act upon the Word of God, then we are blessed (Luke 11:28). The Word of God is not like grass which withers and flowers that fade; the Word of our God is everlasting. Everything except our God / Word of God is vanity and a chasing after the wind (Isaiah 40:08). At one place, Jesus Christ calls mother and brother to those who hear and act upon the Word of God (Luke 8:21).

At one place, God similitudes seed as the Word of God. (Mathew 13:3-8) in the book of Mathew, Jesus gives an example of four kinds of seed, one which fell on the roadside, birds devoured, other kind fell on rocky ground and immediately sprang up due to no depth of earth, and third kind of the seed fell among thorns and choked by thorns, and the last kind of seed fell on good soil which yielded fruit; some thirty times, some sixty times and even some one hundred times. Brothers and sisters, you also can join us and sow this seed. Your sponsorship may save many and enlighten them, who are living in darkness. 

Hope to get you involve in this activity to support our Program